My daughter and I decided to take a ride down South Philly in PA to go get cheese steaks from the best cheese steak place around. Geno's Steaks. Here is a picture from that night.
I have other pictures from that night on my flickr account. Check it out, the link is up top of blog.
About a week ago I seen a bird nest on top of our porch. And now we have brand new birds. There are 4 altogether. But now I believe there are only 2 left. Probably they flew the nest. You can see that baby birds parents are still looking after them. Welcome to the world birdies!
This is a diary that I would like to display some pictures that I think might be cool. It could be the photo of the day for me. Or, just something that catches my eye.
It is my way to show what went on in the day. Sometimes I do get to travel and if something catches my eye it will go here. This is a diary of pictures not just words. Because you know a picture is worth a thousand words.
A friend of mine has a photo diary too and I thank her for giving me the idea. Thanks Ann :D