Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

My daughter took out my husband at a BBQ place. Yum he does like his BBQ and Coke. Here's some old time pieces of Coke. But we of course they don't serve Coke but Pepsi. Just thought this funny.

The Night before Father's Day

I took my husband out to the same diner pub that we went the night before mother's day. And this is another picture we saw. I see John Wayne, Dorthy (from the Wizard of OZ), Elvis (thank you very much), Marlyn Monroe, Laurel and Hardy, and I believe we see Frankenstein ;)with much more

Saturday, June 14, 2008

photo of the day 6/13/08

Saw this dragonfly on my kitchen window on the screen when coming in from grocery shopping. Thought it was unusual and shocking ;)Never saw one this close before.
I also added another picture to my collection in Flickr :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Check Flickr

I added a new collection on my flickr photos. Check it out!